COMPOSERS’ PORTRAIT Younghi Pagh-Paan | Klaus Huber
November 30th 2019, 22 h, Pinakothek der Moderne, Rotunde
WILLIAM YOUN fortepiano
KLAUS HUBER ›Cantio – Moteti – Interventiones‹ for string orchestra (1963)
YOUNGHI PAGH-PAAN ›Lebensbaum III‹ for string orchestra (2015)
YOUNGHI PAGH-PAAN ›Ta Rhyong II‹ for 16 instrumentalists (1988)
YOUNGHI PAGH-PAAN ›Horizont auf hoher See‹ (2017), revised edition for string orchestra (2019) – FIRST PERFORMANCE
KLAUS HUBER ›Intarsi‹, chamber concert for fortepiano and 17 instrumentalists (1993/94)
Introductory talk with Younghi Pagh-Paan, 21 h, Pinakothek der Moderne, Ernst von Siemens-Auditorium
Guided tours through the museum before the concert at 20.00. Limited number of participants. Only for concert-goers. Please register for the guided tour at least two days before the concert at
Tickets € 30,- / standing room tickets € 15,-
Young people’s ticket (≤ 28 years of age) € 15,-

© Si-Chan Park