<h1>COMPOSER\’S PORTRAIT Per Nørgård (*1932)</h1>

November 11th 2017, 22 h, Pinakothek der Moderne, Rotunda

Per Nørgård

<h1>CLEMENS SCHULDT</h1> Conductor

›Constellations‹ for 12 solo strings (1958)

›Nacht und Träume‹ for clarinet, violin, violoncello and piano (2005)

›Out of This World‹ (1994)

›Pastorale‹ from ›Babettes Gæstebud‹ (1988)

›Voage into the Golden Screen‹ (1968)

Introductory talk with Clemens Schuldt, 21 h, Ernst von Siemens-Auditorium 

tickets € 30,- / standing tickets € 15,-

›Under 28‹ € 15,-

ticket reservation
